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Case Study: The Direct Necklift for the Older Male Neck Wattle

Background: The neck sags with age due to the development of sagging skin and fat and the separation of the neck muscles which exposes the subplatysmal fat. These neck changes can become really pronounced as one reaches the sixth and seventh decades of life. This is the time that many men take notice of their Read More…

The Role of the Chin in Profileplasty

It is very common that multiple procedures are done on the face at the same time. Whether it be for anti-aging effects or for reshaping a face, combinations of procedures produce more profound changes. This is because the face is made up of many different parts and making significant changes often requires altering more than Read More…

Case Study: The Direct Necklift For Neck Wattles In Women

Background: Aging of the face takes on many manifestations but inevitably the neck gets involved. Loss of the neck angle occurs as skin begins to sag, falling over the jawline in jowls and draping downward from the central portion of the neck. In more advanced aging, the platysmal muscles of the neck separate and fat Read More…

The Uniqueness of Male Plastic Surgery – Facial Procedures

The facial aging process is one that is well known as everyone will eventually see it on their face. The eyes get heavy, the brows descend, the cheek fall, jowls develop and the neck sags. Women become concerned earlier in the aging process and proceed to do procedures to treat or slow it down in Read More…

Necklifts for the Younger Patient

  While the face in theory ages evenly, one’s concerns about different facial changes is not. Besides the eyes, the neck is a frequent target of aging dissatisfaction. While the neck is composed of various tissues, one wants see is loose and hanging skin. This makes one yearn for the days when the skin between Read More…

Options in Neck Recontouring – 1. Soft Tissue Procedures

  The shape of the neck has a major influence on one’s appearance, even though technically it is not part of the face. But because the neck serves as the transition point between the jawline and the shoulders, it is just as easily seen as the rest of the face. The neck shape, particularly its Read More…

Options in Neck Reshaping and Contouring

  The shape of the neck is an important aesthetic structure of the face. When it is well defined with a sharp angle definition (between 90 to 120 degrees in profile), it makes the chin and jawline more prominent and flattering. When the neck angle is obtuse or completely open (straight), the jawline becomes obscured Read More…

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