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Necklifting in the Older Patient

  As one gets older, the development of a significant neck waddle or turkey neck is inevitable for most. At age 70 and beyond, the sagging neck is often one of the most bothersome cosmetic issues for men and women alike. While there may be numerous physical affirmities that are troubling, the loose hanging neck Read More…

The Direct Neck Lift in Older Women

  The sagging neck as one ages is bothersome to both men and women. As one ages over 65, a hanging neck (aka turkey neck) is likely to develop. As one gets into the 70 s and 80s, it can be quite pronounced. While a facelift is the traditional method of managing neck problems, there Read More…

Direct Neck Lifts in Massive Weight Loss Neck Wattles

The neck after a lot of weight loss often develops a significant wattle. Affectionately called a ‘turkey neck’, it really represents a lot of loose skin. It is mainly loose skin and not much fat as can be seen by the thinness of the wattle in some patients. This neck wattle is most commonly and Read More…

Getting Rid of the Turkey Neck in Massive Weight Loss Patients

  With massive weight loss comes total body changes with many areas of loose hanging skin and fat. The neck , more than any other part of the face, suffers a similar fate with the development of a loose and low hanging waddle in some weight loss patients. This neck waddle (turkey neck) is not usually Read More…

Facelift Options for Men

  Men pose uniquely different challenges than women when it comes to the consideration of facelift surgery. Men age just like women but usually are only concerned with their neck when becomes more of a waddle. As a result, they often are seen in plastic surgery consultation with more advanced facial aging concerns than what Read More…

Treatment Approaches for Double Chin Correction

  Whether you are young or old, some people end up with that annoying double chin even if they are not overweight. And while there are some ways to camouflage it, like wearing a turtleneck, that often is not practical or desired. Many times, that double chin or extra ‘neck’ is not seen or fully Read More…

Direct Neck Lift in Men

  While facelifts in men are less common in women, men also have concerns about their sagging jowls and in particular about their neck waddles. My observation about men and facial aging is that they usually only undergo a procedure when their problem is much more advanced and, as a result, they are usually older Read More…

The Layers and Vectors of a Facelift

  A facelift is one of the most recognized procedures in aesthetic plastic surgery…..but also one of the most misunderstood. The general public’s perception of a facelift….based on TV shows and the internet…is someone after such surgery being bruised from their eyes to their neck and their face wrapped up in a big dressing…like they Read More…

Understanding What A Facelift Really Is

Facelifts in Indianapolis – Understanding What A Facelift is It is quite frequent for me to have a patient come in that wants to improve their signs of facial aging, usually the jowls and neck, but doesn’t want a facelift. Or, quite the reverse, they have lines around their mouth and along the nasolabial folds, Read More…

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