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Common Patient Questions about Rhinoplasty

  What is Rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty, or getting a nose job, involves changing the outer appearance of the nose. Its intent to better balance the different areas of the nose so that it looks more pleasing. This commonly involves reducing a hump or bump, narrowing and lifting the tip of the nose, and overall making it Read More…

The Three-Dimensional Assessment of the Chin in Rhinoplasty

  An important part of any rhinoplasty evaluation is that of the chin. Patients who pursue rhinoplasty to make their nose smaller should not be surprised that they may have a comparatively smaller chin by facial proportion assessment. This is because a ‘weak’ chin can make a nose appear more prominent. In patients that come Read More…

Revision Rhinoplasty – Why and When

  Rhinoplasty remains as a very popular plastic surgery procedure. While changing the shape of one’s nose is a significant consideration, most patients find that the outcome of their rhinoplasty is usually satisfactory. But rhinoplasty is not a perfect operation and the chance of having something not quite right with how the nose looks after Read More…

Case Study: Rhinoplasty in the African-American Male

  Background: A common cosmetic operation in African-Americans is that of rhinoplasty. (nose reshaping) There is a dramatic difference in the nasal structure between that of this racial group and Caucasians. The nose shape is broader and flatter from the bridge down to the tip. This is a reflection of the underlying cartilage framework which Read More…

Managing Nasal Congestion After Rhinoplasty Surgery

  The changes that rhinoplasty surgery does to the outside of the nose can be both significant and appearance-changing. One of the very common postoperative hurdles that patients must get over besides swelling and bruising is nasal congestion. Even when the rhinoplasty is done only to cosmetic structures of the nose, some temporary nasal congestion Read More…

Ethnic Rhinoplasty Using Nasal Implants

There are numerous ethnic noses (Asian and African-American)  that are characterized by having a low and wide nasal bridge. Such low nasal bridges are almost always associated with a tip of the nose that has poor definition and is wider and flatter. Rhinoplasty in this nose type requires the bridge and dorsal line to be Read More…

Case Study: Lengthening of the Nose with a Rib Graft Rhinoplasty

Background: The evolution of rhinoplasty surgery over the past twenty years has leaned heavily towards a cartilage preservation approach. Focus has been more on cartilage reshaping and less on cartilage removal. As a result, the once common over-reduced or ‘ski-slope’ nose is now a rare finding rather than a common one. When an over-reduced nose Read More…

Shortening the Growing Nose in Older Patients

It is a common perception that our noses get bigger as we get older. I have been asked that very question many times in my Indianapolis plastic surgery practice. This perception is based on the belief that cartilage continues to grow even though our bones have long stopped growing. (in fact, our facial bones are Read More…

Reshaping the African-American Nose with Rhinoplasty Surgery

  Changing the shape of the nose through rhinoplasty surgery continues to be increasingly popular amongst African-Americans. The most common reasons sought for nasal improvement are lack of tip definition, wide nostrils,  flat bridge of the nose and breathing problems. The consistent theme is that the nose is broad and lacks a well-defined bridge and Read More…

The Use of Rib Grafts in Rhinoplasty

Reconstruction of certain nasal deformities requires significant structural support. Despite the ease of use of synthetic implants, the use of cartilage is associated with minimal risk of severe implant problems such as infection or extrusion. In the very visible nose, this is a huge advantage. Infections and extrusions in the nose from foreign materials may Read More…

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