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Case Study – Subcostal Rib Protrusion Correction by Shaving

Background: The ribcage is formed by a collection of twelve (12) ribs of various lengths, locations and compositions. The first seven (7) ribs are called the true ribs because they run between the spine to the sternum through a direct curvilinear connection. Ribs #s 8, 9 and 10 are called the false ribs because they Read More…

Technical Strategies – Subcostal Rib Reduction by Shaving

Most of the ribs are near circumferential bone and cartilage ‘fingers’ that provide shape to the chest and abdomen. Some of these ribs can be modified to improve the shape of the torso. In the upper abdominal region is the subcostal portion of the ribcage which is composed of the union of ribs #7 through Read More…

Subcostal Rib Removal Through a Tummy Tuck Approach

The ribs constitute the structural support for the trunk. It plays a vital role in how the lungs work and in the support and protection of many other vital organs. This statement applies to much of the upper ribcage but does not necessarily apply to every aspect of every rib throughout their full lengths around Read More…

OR Snapshots – The Cartilaginous Ends of Rib Removal Surgery

Rib removal is the last surgical option for maximal waistline reduction. After liposuction the only remaining anatomic obstruction is the lower ribcage. The outer and downward flare of the free floating ribs does influence the width of the waistline at the horizontal level of the umbilicus. Contrary to its perception rib removal is not a Read More…

Improved Horizontal Waistline Narrowing with Rib and Muscle Removal

Rib removals for waistline narrowing is the final step for maximal waistline narrowing. After weight loss, exercise and liposuction the final anatomic ‘obstruction’ remains that of the lower ribs for optimal. What differentiates the lower or free floating ribs from those above it is that they are bony appendages with terminal ends. They do not Read More…

OR Snapshots – Subcostal Rib Removal through a Tummy Tuck Approach

Rib removal is done for a variety of waistline concerns. Such concerns must be divided into anterior and posterior aesthetic waistline issues. The most common perception of the aesthetic benefits of ribs being removed is for horizontal waistline reduction where ribs #10, 11 and 12 may be reduced through a posterior or back approach. `This Read More…

Clinic Snapshots – The Effects of Rib Removal on Waistline Narrowing

Rib removal surgery can be an effective procedure for anatomic waistline reduction in properly selected patients. Such patients typically include the already thin female who is seeking an ‘extreme’ waistline reduction as well as the male to female transgender patient who is trying to achieve a more feminine waistline shape. Rib removal is effective in Read More…

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