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The Scar Outcomes from Rib Removal Surgery for Waist Narrowing

The traditional methods of waistline narrowing, such as liposuction and tummy tucks, are very effective for most women. But when one seeks more than these procedures can achieve, deeper anatomic manipulation is needed. Once beyond skin and fat the lone remaining structures are muscle and ribs. Reducing these two internal structures is what constitutes the Read More…

Subcostal Margin Rib Removal Technique for Protrusion Reduction

Removal of parts of ribs for body contouring is most commonly associated with waistline narrowing. This relates specifically to the lower ribs, the so called floating ribs (#11 and 12), although in my technique I remove part of rib #10 as well. While this posterior ribcage area is the common aesthetic rib removal area, an  Read More…

Anatomic Concepts in Rib Removal for Waist Narrowing Surgery

There are many myths and misconceptions regarding waist reduction surgery by rib removal. Most of these are based on a failure to understand the anatomy of the lower ribs and the surrounding soft tissues. Having removed hundreds of ribs for purposes of aesthetic waist reduction, I have developed insights into why rib removal has an Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Waist Reduction In A Female Body Builder Using Combined Rib Removal and Lat Muscle Resection

Background: Waist reduction can be done by a variety of surgical techniques. Standard and well used techniques include liposuction, lateral fascial plication during a tummy tuck as well as non-surgical methods of weight loss and exercise. For the vast majority of patients the waist reduction obtained by these type of standard approach is aesthetically sufficient. Read More…

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