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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Transfemale Combined Shoulder and Waist Narrowing Body Contouring Surgeries

 Background: There are numerous body contouring surgeries that transfemales may find of benefit. The most common ones performed are liposuction, BBL and breast, buttock and hip implant surgeries which are primarily soft tissue enhancements. These are also structural body modifications (aka hard tissue procedures) that are gaining popularity which include shoulder reduction by clavicle bone Read More…

Elbow Wrap Garment in Shoulder Narrowing Surgery

Shoulder narrowing surgery is accomplished by shortening the length of each clavicle. Segments of the bone are removed and put back together using plates and screws with a shortened length. Like almost any such bone procedure, particularly in load-bearing areas like the shoulder, the reconstructed bone area needs to be protected for a period of Read More…

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