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Neck Rejuvenation with Liposuction vs. Submentoplasty

A lower facelift, technically a neck-jowl lift, is the standard approach for improving an aging neck or an obtuse cervicomental angle. This has been historically true but as the average age of people seeking neck and jawline improvement continues to lower, some altered approaches are needed. Younger people do not want a ‘facelift’or an extensive Read More…

Treating Facelift Rebound Neck Relaxation with a Submentoplasty

The facelift remains as the definitive procedure forimproving the undesired changes that occur in the neck and jowls with aging. Using techniques consisting of liposuction fat removal, elevation of a neck skin flap, and posterior tightening of the platysma, the neck can reliably be improved. While most necks will not achieve the purported 90 degree Read More…

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