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Technical Strategies – Earlobe Reduction Combined With Facelift Surgery

A fundamental component of any lower facelift surgery are the incisions placed in and around the ear. These incisions do not  completely encircle the ear but usually approximate about 75% of its perimeter. Through these incisions the skin flaps are raised and the SMAS flaps elevated for bidirectional facial tissue lifting. But regardless of the Read More…

Technical Placement Strategies in Custom Large Testicle Implants

Custom testicle implants are, by definition, implants that are both larger in size and composed of ultrasoft solid silicone. Such implants are usually in the size range of 6.0 to 7.5cm in size which are beyond standard sizes only available up to 5.0cms. In placing these larger testicle implants there are multiple technical details to Read More…

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