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Technical Strategies – Percutaneous Zygomatic Arch Osteotomy Technique

Cheekbone reduction is a common facial reshaping surgery to help narrow the wide midface. It achieves this effect by bringing inward the convexity of the zygomatic arch. Through an intraoral anterior osteotomy through the zygomatic body and an osteotomy through the posterior process of the zygomatic arch before it attaches to the temporal bone through Read More…

Technical Strategies – ePTFE Coated Silicone Ear Frameworks

Reconstruction of congenital ear defects, of which microtia is the most common, requires a framework to recreate the basic structure of the ear. Such framework recreations can be done either fabricating it from rib cartilage or an off-the shelf prefabricated implant. (porous polyethylene or Medpor) Each ear framework approach as its own advantages and disadvantages Read More…

Technical Strategies – 3D Modeling in Jaw Cyst Reconstruction

Cysts of the lower jaw can be benign or malignant. But despite the pathology differences they all can cause expansile changes in the bone. When large enough they expand the outer and inner cortical plates of the lower jaw, either pushing out the cortical plates or destroying it in the process. While such jaw cysts Read More…

Technical Strategies – Funnel Insertion Technique for Pectoral Implants

  In some ways pectoral implants are the male equivalent of the female breast implant. While the enhanced anatomic structure is different (muscle vs breast mound), the surgical placement of the implant needed to do so is largely the same. Both pectoral and breast implants are placed in the submuscular plane underneath the pectoralis major Read More…

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