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Technical Strategies – The Synergist Effects of Wedge Latissimus Muscle Removal and Rib Removal on Waistline Reduction

Rib removal offers the elimination of the last anatomic obstruction to narrowing one’s waistline. This procedure creates its effectiveness through the removal of the inner bony component of waistline support. The free floating ribs, unlike the ribs above it, have an almost vertical orientation downward with only soft tissue attachments at their small cartilaginous tips. Read More…

Technical Strategies – Subcostal Rib Reduction by Shaving

Most of the ribs are near circumferential bone and cartilage ‘fingers’ that provide shape to the chest and abdomen. Some of these ribs can be modified to improve the shape of the torso. In the upper abdominal region is the subcostal portion of the ribcage which is composed of the union of ribs #7 through Read More…

Technical Strategies – Webbed Neck Correction with Trapezius Myotomies

The webbed neck occurs is a wide variety of medical conditions and has variable presentations. While most commonly associated with Turner’s, Noonan and Klippel-Feil syndromes where the webbed necks are severe, they also occur in lesser presentations that may have no specific syndrome associated with them. While non-syndromic neck webbing is less severe, it may Read More…

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