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Technical Strategies – Multi-Point Temporal Artery Ligation

The development of visible temporal arteries in the forehead is not rare. Occurring almost exclusively in men, the frontal or anterior branch of the superficial temporal artery becomes dilated and its course up into the forehead becomes prominent. Often occurring after exercise, heat exposure or alcohol intake, the muscular walls if the artery dilate makes Read More…

Technical Strategies – Fishtail Earlobe Reshaping in Otoplasty

Otoplasty or ear pinning is the most common aesthetic surgery performed on the ear and its cartilages. (technically earlobe repair would be the most common aesthetic ear surgery… but it contains no cartilage)  In repositioning the shape of the protruding ear back towards the side of the head a variety of techniques are used to Read More…

Technical Strategies – Submental Approach for Tracheal Shave

The reduction of a prominent Adam’s Apple is known as a tracheal shave. Done directly over the tracheal prominence through a small skin incision the V-shaped thyroid cartilage is reduced, as the name indicates, by shaving it down with a scalpel blade. Since the prominence is composed of cartilage it can be reduced in layers Read More…

Technical Strategies – Mouth Widening in Scar Contractures

The width of the mouth and the flexibility of the lips are important for food intake and oral hygiene. They not only permit the lower jaw to open fully but also allow mobility of the adjacent facial soft tissues with expression. Having a ‘loose’ oral sphincter is taken for granted until one doesn’t have that Read More…

Technical Strategies – Rib Graft Shaping in Augmentative Rhinoplasty

Rib grafts are the material of choice for many larger augmentative rhinoplasties and complex nasal revisions. They offer a virtually unlimited amount of cartilage graft material that can be used anywhere on the nose from the bridge down to the tip and columella. Because cartilage is softer than bone and relatively easy to carve, it Read More…

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