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Technical Strategies – Z-Plasty Medial Epicanthoplasty

The shape of the eyes is affected by many anatomic structures. While much focus is on the larger eyelids, the inner corner of the eyes has a significant impact on eye appearance. While they may the small the inner and outer corner of the eyes affects eye width as well as the angulation of the Read More…

Technical Strategies – Pennant Corner of Mouth Lift

The lips play a major role in the appearance of the lower third of the face. Their size and shape gives indications of gender, expression and age. The lips are well known to be affected by age with thinning of the amount of vermilion show, lip lines and downturning of the corners of the mouth. Read More…

Technical Strategies – Intraoral Chin Implant Placement

Chin augmentation through the use of an implant is an historic procedure that dates back over fifty years and is still commonly performed today. It is typically done with a silicone chin implant due to its wide variety of styles and sizes and its smooth surface which facilitates its insertion and placement. A chin implant Read More…

Technical Strategies – Using Buccal Fat for Lip Injections

Lip augmentation by injections is one of the most common injectable filler treatments of the face. It has been done since synthetic collagen fillers were introduced way back in 1981. Since then many different injectable filler materials have been used but the ideal lip augmentation material remains as yet undiscovered. Fat would seem to be Read More…

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