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Technical Strategies – Placement of Bicep Implants

Augmentation of the upper arm is a combination of development of the biceps and triceps muscles. The biceps is the most recognized of the two upper arm muscles and the most pursued in terms of exercise development and arm flexing. The biceps muscle is a two-headed muscle that extends on the anterior surface of the Read More…

Technical Strategies – Placement of Tricep Implants

Silicone implants are available for male muscle augmentation at a variety of body sites. The most well known male body implants are the pectoral and calf implants. Implants for the arms and shoulders can also be done but they are far less well known and performed. Arm implants can be done for the bicep and Read More…

Technical Strategies – Endoscopic Browlift Fixation with LactoSorb Screws

  The most common surgical treatment today for sagging brows is the endoscopic browlift. As opposed to browlifts that involve long incisions and remove forehead or scalp tissue to create the lifting effect, the endoscopic technique uses minimal incisions and removes no tissue. It achieves a browlifting effect through a deep subperiosteal brow tissue release Read More…

Technical Strategies – Fat Injections for Chin Dimple Reduction

Chin dimples are a not uncommon but anatomically perplexing facial feature. Sitting as a round central depression on the soft tissue chin pad, it serves no functional purpose other than a distinctive facial adornment. Like all facial dimples the cause has been shown to be caused by an underlying muscle deformity, specifically that of the Read More…

Technical Strategies – Intraoperative Shaping of Calf Implants

The use of calf implants to achieve improved fullness of the lower legs is the most reliable body contouring procedure of the lower legs. Calf augmentation is done for men that want to improve the overall size of their calf muscles. Women are often trying to put their calfs in better aesthetic balance to their Read More…

Technical Strategies – Endoscopic Custom Forehead Implant Placement

  Aesthetic forehead augmentation to correct a sloped, irregular or deficient frontal bone can be done by a variety of materials placed on top of the bone. Having used every one of them, they each have their merits and each material type can be successfully used in experienced hands. But the forehead augmentation method that Read More…

Technical Strategies – Intraoral Chin Implant Placement

Chin implants are the most common permanent method of facial augmentation. Chin implants of various materials have been used for almost fifty years. Whatever the material composition of the implant is and its shape and size, chin implants can be introduced from either a superior approach (intraoral mucosal incision) or from below. (submental skin incision) Read More…

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