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Technical Strategies – Abdominal Etching Techniques

Liposuction of the abdomen is the single most common body site in which fat is surgically extracted. Most people are happy with some reduction of their abdominal fullness with the hope of being as flat as they can possibly be. An overall better abdominal shape is the goal and most patients would define abdominal shaping Read More…

Technical Strategies – Microscrew Fixation of Facial Implants

Facial implants offer a permanent solution to many desired areas of skeletal augmentation such as the chin, jaw angles and cheeks. There are many factors that go into a successful facial implant augmentation outcome from the preoperative planning, style and size of the implant, implant placement and last, but not least, implant stability. Prevention of Read More…

Technical Strategies – Cupid’s Bow Lift of the Upper Lip

Augmentation of the upper lip is one of the most commonly done non-surgical facial enhancement procedures. This can usually be successfully done through the use of a variety of different hyaluronic acid-based injectable fillers. Despite their popularity and frequency of use, however, injectable fillers can not solve all aesthetic upper lip concerns. A thin upper Read More…

Technical Strategies – Custom Skull Implant Orientation Markings

  The fabrication of custom skull implants offers a major advance in the treatment of many aesthetic skull deformities. Historically skull augmentation had to be done using a long and complete coronal scalp incision and resultant scar for access and intraoperatively shaped bone cement materials. But today’s custom skull implants allow for the shaping of Read More…

Technical Strategies – Tracheal Shave by Burring Reduction

A tracheal shave or Adam’s Apple reduction (technically a thyrochondroplasty) is a well known neck contouring procedure to reduce a thyroid cartilage prominence. While it is most commonly perceived to be a male to female transgender procedure, it is actually done just as commonly for men or women who have a prominent thyroid bulge and Read More…

Technical Strategies – Asian Love Band Surgery

The Asian eyelid is very different from that of Caucasians both in anatomy and in aesthetic appearance. For the upper eyelid the ‘double eyelid’ blepharoplasty procedure is well known to create a crease which does not naturally exist. But for the lower eyelid aesthetic enhancements are less well known or requested. One newer lower blepharoplasty Read More…

Technical Strategies – Transpalpebral Brow Bone Reduction

Brow bone reduction is one of numerous types of facial bone reshaping procedures. In its most traditional sense it is done to reduce the horizontal or forward projection of the brow bones. In essence this is to reduce the bulge or outward prominence of them. This is usually done either in men with very large Read More…

Technical Strategies – Cleft Lip Scar Hair Transplants

Despite the best efforts at cleft lip repair, whether done as an infant, teenager or as an adult cleft lip revision, the ability to detect the cleft lip scar usually persists. This is most manifest in men because the thickness of the upper lip beard skin on both sides of the cleft lip scar make Read More…

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