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Technical Strategies – Cleft Lip Scar Hair Transplants

Despite the best efforts at cleft lip repair, whether done as an infant, teenager or as an adult cleft lip revision, the ability to detect the cleft lip scar usually persists. This is most manifest in men because the thickness of the upper lip beard skin on both sides of the cleft lip scar make Read More…

Technical Strategies – Screw Fixation of Jaw Angle Implants

  The placement of jaw angle implants has many unique aspects from other facial implants. It requires dissection in the most posterior part of the face done from inside the mouth making access and visibility challenging. It requires the largest muscle on the face to be lifted off the bone (masseter muscle) to place and Read More…

Technical Strategies – Scarless Approach to Temporal Reduction

Reduction in the width of the side of the head (head narrowing) is most commonly done by removal of the posterior belly of the temporalis muscle. Many people understandably think that the width of the head above the ears is mainly due to bone but that assumption is usually incorrect. While the bone makes some Read More…

Technical Strategies – Doppler Probe in Temporal Migraine Surgery

The cause of certain migraine headaches is now well known be caused by peripheral compression of cranial sensory nerves usually caused by muscular contraction. This compression causes nerve irritation and serves as the nidus for the initiation of the migraine. In the auriculotemporal nerve migraine trigger area, its close association with the superficial temporal artery Read More…

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