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Technical Strategies – The Postauricular Incision for Temporal Implants

Temporal implants offer a permanent method for volume augmentation for a hollowed contour by the side of the eye.  Such implants are often sought after either acceptable results from injectable fillers but a permanent result is desired or due to unsatisfactory results from fat injections.  The success of temporal implants is based on their subfascial Read More…

Technical Strategies – Direct Incisional Approach for Temporal Implants

Implants are the one assured permanent method for temporal augmentation. Besides guaranteed volume they also assure a smooth contour due to the outer contour of the implant. (assuming they are placed without inducing any folded edges) In placing temporal implants they are three incisional locations that can be used. The most common method is the Read More…

The Postauricular Approach for Temporal Implant Placement

Temporal implants provide a permanent augmentation to the entire side of the head. Standard temporal implants initially were developed to treat the more common and limited anterior hollowing that occurs by the side of the eye all the way up to the temporal line of the forehead in the non-hairbearing skin. Custom temporal implants were Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Total Soft Tissue Forehead Reshaping with Frontal Hairline Advancement, Browlift and Temporal Implants

Background:  There are numerous dimensional considerations in forehead surgery. The contour of the forehead is controlled by the shape of the underlying bone centrally and the temporal muscles laterally which can be modified by either augmentation or reduction. The vertical length of the forehead, however, is controlled by the soft tissue landmarks of the frontal Read More…

Technical Strategies – The Postauricular Sulcus Incision for Temporal Implants

Temporal implants offer a permanent solution to numerous aesthetic deformities/ deficiencies of the entire temporal region. Standard temporal implants were developed to treat the non-hair bearing anterior temporal region which is always the most visible. Both subtotal and total temporal implants exist for this area. Traditionally anterior temporal implants have been placed through a small Read More…

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