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Chin Implants for Facial Enhancement

In the pursuit of improved facial balance and shape, the chin is one of the most prominent facial features. When combined with the nose, these two protruding structures have great influence on the overall appearance of the face. We usually don’t give the chin much thought, until it is either too weak or too prominent, and then it becomes the defining part of one’s face (in a negative way). When the chin is deficient (weak), the facial profile has a very convex appearance with the appearance of a short neck as well. As long as the chin deficiency is not too great and the overall jaw is not short with a malocclusion (bad bite), when jaw lengthening surgery may be more appropriate, the use of a chin implant is a simple and proven method. In my practice here in Indianapolis, I always discuss with the patient the two methods of chin enhancement; implants vs osteotomy (moving the bone forward). Over 90% of the time, a chin implant is chosen.

While chin implants are available in different materials, I prefer the use of solid silicone (rubber) chin implants, which are still by far the most commonly used. They are soft, flexible, and slide easily into place along the chin bone. The chin implant is inserted through a small incision hidden underneath the chin below the jaw line. This leaves no visible scar. Usually the chin implant is sutured into place, however, I sometimes use a metal screw to secure the implant to the bone. This screw fixation method can eliminate one of the very few complications of chin implants, that of shifting or changing position after surgery causing chin asymmetry. I rarely insert a chin implant through the mouth as it is more painful, has more swelling, and is more easily displaced upward off the chin prominence.While any implant (foreign-body) has some risk of infection, chin implant infections are quite uncommon.

Enhancing the chin with an implant is the most commonly performed facial implant procedure. The goal of a chin implant is to bring the chin forward enough so that it is in balance to the nose and lips. Unlike the old style ‘button’ chin implant, there are many different styles of chin implants today. From curved anatomical styles, to a more box shape, to chin implants with a central dimple, there are many options to custom tailor a chin implant to fit most patient’s faces. The different sizes of chin implants makes it possible to make a subtle or a dramatic facial change, dependent upon the patient’s cosmetic needs.

Chin implants are commonly in conjunction with other facial procedures including rhinoplasty, neck liposuction, and facelifts. In some cases, the use of different implants in the same patient, such as a chin and jaw angle implants in a male, can provide dramatic changes in one’s facial appearance. Chin implants are a powerful procedure, that is simple and usually uncomplicated, to achieve better facial balance.

Dr Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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