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Cosmetic surgery of the abdomen and waistline is one the most common body contouring surgeries for either women or men. Women in particular are inclined to undergo these surgeries as they are victims of a lot of body changes from pregnancy and/or weight gain/loss. Liposuction and tummy tucks make up the bulk of these surgeries as they fall into the norm of the type of body changes that need to be treated.

But amongst tummy tuck surgeries there is a ‘supersize’ version due to the magnitude of the tissues that need to be removed. This enlarged version of a tummy tuck is known as an abdominal panniculectomy. The abdominal panniculectomy differs from all forms of a  tummy tuck as it removes a large segment of overhanging tissues known as a panniculus. Also known as an abdominal apron, this is a large amount of abdominal tissue that overhangs the waistline down on the thighs. In large abdominal pannuses it can even hang down as low as the knees!

abdominal-panniculectomy-indianapolis-dr-barry-eppleyThe abdominal pannus and its weight causes a constellation of problems for the person from chronic skin infections and moisture underneath it to the strain of its weight on the back and knees. This is not to mention the limitations imposed on clothing options to hold it in or try and hide it. It is no surprise then that when the day comes for their abdominal panniculectomy surgery there are no regrets in losing a bit of oneself!

While an abdominal panniculectomy may not be as eloquent as an operation as many smaller tummy tucks, patients are usually even more grateful.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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