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What are Arnica montana or bromelain and is it used in breast lifts?

These are common non-pharmaceutical supplements for healing that some plastic surgeons endorse and prescribe for surgery including breast lift surgery. Arnica is a well-known extract of the mountain lily flower that has been used for decades to prevent or clear bruising related to any form of trauma. Taken one week before and one week after surgery, it helps prevent some of the bruising that will occur as well as speeds its resolution after surgery. Arnica is most commonly used as an oral tablet but can also be applied directly to the bruised site as a topical ointment. Bromelain is an extract in oral or liquid form from the pineapple fruit that has anti-inflammatory properties.It is commonly used for sports injury, trauma and surgery to decrease swelling. Contrary to popular belief, eating pineapple will not increase your levels of bromelain as it exists mainly in the stem of the fruit.

Will I have stitches? Is there swelling and bruising?

All suturing done for breast lifts (like breast reductions) is internal and dissolveable. There are no external sutures that need to be removed.There is always some swelling and bruising after breast lift surgery. The bruising is usually located along the incision lines. The swelling involves the entire breast. Both will be completely gone by three weeks after surgery.

When will my stitches be removed after my breast lift procedure?

No sutures need to be removed. Only the outer surgical tapes will be peeled off during the first office visit.

Can I finance my breast lift?

Yes. Many cosmetic surgeries are financed and are done by a wide variety of outside companies. Plastic surgeons do not finance surgery themselves and merely provide a referral to outside companies that do. All of these financing companies take applications online and their decision process is very quick. Like financing a car, they offer a menu of terms from length of the loan and interest rates.

What will happen if I have another child or gain or lose weight?

Both of these events will cause changes in any breast result. The stretching of skin through weight gain or the loss of breast tissue (involution) from pregnancy or weight loss will not be beneficial for the improvements that were obtained from a breast lift. Increasing sagging of the breast will be the result. Whether it is minor or significant can not be determined beforehand.

Will I be able to breast feed after a mastopexy?

Yes. Breast lift or mastopexy surgery does not remove the nipple nor sever the breast ducts. Therefore the lactation capability of the nipple-areolar complex is unchanged.

Can a breast lift cause breast cancer?

No form of breast surgery, whether it be an augmentation, lift, reduction, or reconstructive procedure, causes breast cancer.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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