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Is a facelift performed under general anesthesia?

There are different types of facelifts. Some more minor like a min-facelift or Lifestyle Lift (the same thing) that can be performed under local or IV sedation. More complete facelifts, which often are done with other facial procedures (forehead, eyes, etc) are much better off done under general anesthesia.

How long before I can resume normal activities after my facelift?

The extent of the facelift procedure will determine how long one should await getting back to a regular lifestyle, which often means exercising and more physical work. For limited facelifts, 7 to 10 days is adequate. For full facelifts, 14 to 21 days is more realistic.

How do I find a qualified plastic surgeon in my area?

Besides searching for a physician who is board-certified specifically in plastic surgery (trained to do it), you should also assess their experience. This can be gathered initially by looking at what is on their website in terms of before and after results of facelift procedures. To those plastic surgeons who do the procedure regularly, they will have an ample number of representative results to show. Then arrange a consultation and see if there is a good ‘match’ and you feel comfortable. Ask their office to refer you to patients that they have done the procedure recently. (in the past 3 months) Those patients will have a fresh commentary on the actual experience that can be very helpful in your assessment process.

Who is a good candidate for facelift surgery?

Facelifts provide benefit for those with aging of the lower face. Significant jowls and sagging necklines are what a facelift best corrects.

Will facelift surgery eliminate all of my facial wrinkles?

No. A facelift should not be thought of as a wrinkle procedure. It is used to lift and tighten saggy jowls and necks. In that process, some wrinkles do get improvement but no change in wrinkles will occur on the lips , eyes, or forehead. There are different procedures for those wrinkled facial areas.

Am I too young (or old) for a facelift?

Age is largely an irrelevant issue when considering a facelift. It is whether the procedure will produce enough of an effect and is worth the effort. Some jowling and loose neck skin must be present to see a significant improvement.

Will it be obvious that I’ve had a facelift?

Fear of looking unnatural after a facelift is the number one concern of most patients. No one wants to look like they have had a facelift. When done with good technique and not overdone, most facelifts freshen one’s appearance without looking pulled too tight. In reality, a facelift surgery is more likely to underperform than run the risk of having a windswept look.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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