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The concept of non-surgical fat loss remains the holy grail of body slimming. Any alternative to liposuction surgery for body contouring will always have significant appeal. The first real promise of that approach was several years ago with the previously popular, and now largely defunct, use of lipodissolve injection therapy. Using an emulsifying combination of chemicals, injections were placed into selected areas for fat reduction. While this injection approach was able to remove some fat, it was not pain-free and caused a fair amount of swelling afterwards. Because these injections had to be repeated numerous times with the same amount of discomfort and swelling, their use have largely faded in popularity.

The newest approach to non-invasive fat reduction is Zerona. This is a treatment approach that uses cold laser fat reduction technology and is FDA-approved. A low-level laser is used in the office to spot areas of desired fat reduction. Each complete session takes about 40 minutes. The laser is applied to the targeted areas such as that of the waist, hips, and thighs, for 20 minutes. Then the same treatment is applied to the opposite side. Multiple sessions are required every two to three days for several weeks. At least six treatment sessions are required. Further treatment sessions may be needed based on results and desired improvements.

Unlike lipodissolve injection therapy, Zerona treatment sessions can be accurately described as non-painful and even relaxing. You simply lay in a comfortable position for twenty minutes at a time while the cold laser does all of the work. Some patients describe  feelings of being a bit different or lighter immediately afterwards, presumably due to the bio-stimulation that has been caused by the laser.

One key element that separates Zeroma from lipodissolve is the accompanying recommendations/therapies that should be used during the treatment program. Increasing your fiber and water intake helps to both improve and speed up the treatment results. Lymphatic drainage massages can also be very helpful after each treatment session. The use of a combination niacin and ginko baloba supplement is suggested to also supplement the cold laser treatments. Another prescription aide that can also be used is Adipex, a well known weight loss medication based on phenteramine phatrmacology.

Fat reduction or body slimming with the Zerona laser is a stark contrast to the use of injectcable lipodissolve treatments. Not only is it non-painful with no recovery but it uses well known fat reduction lifestyle changes that are proven to be helpful. Given that the treatments are compressed into weeks and not months, results can be seen much sooner.

The crucial question is whether Zerona produces results that are comparable or better than lipodissolve injections. The clinical documentation on Zerona to date is far better than what has been previously reported with lipodissolve. The very fact that Zerona has FDA approval indicates the superiority of its clinical results.

Is Zerona superior to liposuction? The answer is likely no. One could argue that Zerona treatments are intended to avoid the need for liposuction. Does it produce enough of a result to avoid liposuction? That will undoubtably depend on the patient. Some patients will but others won’t. But the potential that one may could be enough for many patients to give this non-invasive and non-painful method of fat reduction a try.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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