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Cosmetic plastic surgery is both elective and very individualized. The decision to have plastic surgery is obviously very personal and every patient has their unique reasons for wanting a specific plastic surgery procedure, although most of the reasons are quite similar for most patients. Much thought should go into the before surgery aspect, including what plastic surgeon(s) to consult with, what procedures do you need and want, and what are the risks and complications. As a plastic surgeon, it is my privilege to take each new patient that I see and educate them about their surgical options. I do not personally care wheher any patient chooses surgery or not…I only care about whether I have given them a good education so they can make the right decision for themselves.

After surgery care is just as important to me as the before surgery discussions. Once I have taken a patient into my ‘family’, I am obligated to care of you as if you were my family. (and in the short term you might be just as wanting and demanding!) The best way I accomplish this is through what I call a ‘concierge’ approach. Other than my office staff, I leave no interface between you the patient and myself. I am available by cell phone to all of my patients 24 hours a day…every day. If a patient has a problem or concern, I want to know about it. It does me no good, and it is not good service, if you have to weed through two or three people in hopes your message gets through or you eventually get an answer. Since I will have to know about it eventfully, I might as well know about it right up front. And besides, I am the most knowledgeable to deal with whatever problem or concern you may be having. After 20 years in plastic surgery, I basically have seen and heard it all. So whatever problem you may be having, rest assured I have seen it before.

This is what I call concierge plastic surgery. I am available to my patients anytime and no question or problem is insignificant or irrelevant. This is simply good service and I am happy to do it….and besides….this is the way I would want it if I were a patient. Why would I treat you any different than what I would do for myself?

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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