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Cosmetic teeth whitening is one of the most sought after beauty treatments of the face. White teeth are a great asset not only to a pleasing smile but a more youthful face as well. Until recently, tooth whitening has only been primarily available at a dentist’s office or through over-the-counter dental strips or whitening pens. Dental office whitening methods have been associated with rapid increases in tooth whitening but with substantial tooth and gum sensitivity or take-home custom trays which are both messy and cumbersome to use. Over –the-counter whitening strips, while effective, takes weeks to see any visible results and must be used for a long time to see substantial improvement in tooth color.

A revolutionary approach to tooth whitening is a system that in one hour can increase the color of your teeth from 2 to 5 shades….and is not associated with teeth or gum sensitivity.! Using a special blend of hydrogen peroxide and silicone dioxide with a blue light accelerator, the system oxidizes pigments of your front upper and lower teeth restoring them to a beautiful white. All without heat, mouth sensitivity, or UV light exposure.This whitening approach is particularly effective for teeth stained by smoking or substances like coffee or tea. Teeth with tetracycline or other antibiotic stains, teeth speckled with fluoride, or teeth with hereditary discoloration will also show good improvement. Teeth with existing cavities or cracks should not undergo whitening. Also, teeth with existing crowns (caps) or veneers will not whiten as this tooth whitening process is only effective on natural, live teeth

As both a physician and dentist, I have been reluctant to bring tooth whitening into my plastic surgery and spa practice. I was always concerned about whether the aestheticians could safely and comfortably provide this oral treatment to patients, an area in which they have no previous experience or training. In addition, I was concerned about teeth and gum sensitivities that typically occur with rapid teeth whitening systems. However, the simplicity and safety of cold light acceleration and its low risk of oral sensitivity make this newer hydrogen peroxide application very appealing. It is a perfect complement to the many aesthetic office applications which we currently do.

Dr Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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