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Botox continues to be the most popular in-office cosmetic facial procedure short of skin care treatments. It is so popular because of its tremendous effectiveness, producing a near-surgical result every time. Also, while not inexpensive, it is less costly than surgery and involves no recovery whatsoever.

The cost of Botox does vary greatly across the United States as well as across each state and city. While most patients only think of the total cost of each treatment, the charging of Botox treatments is actually done by the unit. Like all drugs, Botox is administered in a dose or number of units. How many units you get determines what the cost of each injection session is. What each facility or physician charges per unit will vary and most will either state or advertise what their charge per Botox unit is. That may vary anywhere from $9 to $15 a unit, depending upon the time of the year, whether someone is running a promotional or advertised special, and who the injector is. (physician vs. nurse). I would be leary of anyone offering Botox for less than $9 or $10 a unit as a full fare price. Most likely these are non-medical personnel performing the treatments…and the very low price may well indicate the level of experience and training of the provider.

By far, the area of the forehead between the brows (known as the glabellar region) and the crow’s feet area (side of the eye) are the most common areas injected. Treatment of the glabellar usually takes anywhere from 16 to 24 units to get a good effect. Treatment of the crow’s feet area takes anywhere from 8 to 12 units per side (or 16 to 24 units total) to get a profound effect. The glabellar and crow’s feet area is often done together, making the total units used around 35 to 40 units to get a very noticeable relaxation of these expressive upper facial areas.

Innovative methods of ‘package pricing’ of Botox on an extended basis is offered in different areas of the country. Pre-paying for a year’s worth of Botox is the most common, often saving 20% to 30% by so doing. Ask your treating physician if they offer such a program.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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