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Jawline enhancement or jawline augmentation is where various dimensions of the lower facial skeleton are built up. Unlike chin augmentation, jawline augmentation refers to both chin and jaw angle for a more overall effect. Such a jawline effect is typically thought of as being exclusively for men. And while that is true most of the time, there are an increasing number of women who are undergoing the procedure.

Women who benefit by jawline enhancement  fall into several types. The first are those women who have an overall shorter jaw by development or genetics that is seen in the chin area as being both horizontally and vertically short. This also means that the jaw angles are higher and indistinct in shape. Another deficient jawline in females is that created by the well known V line surgery. Some women once having it want to reverse it and return back to their naturally normal jaw shape.

Female Custom Jawline Implant design Dr Barry Eppley IndianapolisFemale Custom Jawline Implant thickness Dr Barry Eppley IndianapolisThe best method for total jawline enhancement in females is a custom jawline implant. Covering the entire jawline from angle to angle creates a vey powerful effect on the lower face. For this reason, many female custom jawline implants in women are made smaller than for most men.

Custom Female Jawline Implant intraoperative insertion 2 Dr Barry Eppley IndianapolisThe smaller size of most female custom jawline implants makes them fully capable of being inserted through incisions inside the mouth. The smaller flare and thickness of the jaw angles makes their passing under the mental nerve in a subperiosteal tunnel uncomplicated. The usually more modest amount of chin augmentation allows for good mentalis muscle closure over the implant intraorally.

Female Custom Jawline Implant early result front viewCusytom Female Jawline Implant early result oblique viewEven though they are smaller that does not mean that the early jaw swelling after placement of a custom jawline implant will not be significant. It takes a full six weeks before the vast majority of the jawline swelling has gone away. It is important for women to be patient as the jaw can look too big as these one week after surgery pictures show.


Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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