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The non-surgical removal of fat by injection is a three-step process.

First, the injected chemical causes the adipocytes (fat cells) that it comes into contact with to release their lipids (fat) into the surrounding tissues. Secondly, the released fat (free fatty acids, FFA) is picked up by blood vessels and is transported to the liver. Lastly, the FFAs are broken down in the liver to be either used as a source of energy or released as waste products through the kidneys and lungs.

The direct injection of the LipoDissolve solution (I) begins the process, but does not directly aid the second and third steps. In order to optimize the clearance of the released fat and accelerate the normal bodily processes, we offer two complementary therapies.

Lymphatic Drainage (LD) massage (M) is recommended once a week after a microinjection session until the next injection treatment. Massage directly stimulates the treated tissues and lymphatic system, increasing the rate of transport and clearance of the released fat. A 30 minute weekly LD massage by one of our highly trained therapists helps break up the nodules and pushes the liberated FFAs toward the lymphatic node draining basins. This augments the second step of the fat clearance process.

Oral Supplements contribute to the final step of fat metabolism and breakdown.(S) Once in the liver, the enzymatic breakdown of FFAs can be maximized by taking LeanOut, a unique proprietary blend of nutritional supplements that enhance the body’s fat burning processes.

Get the non-surgical program that attacks the fat removal process at each and every step; Injection, Massage, Supplement!

Dr Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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