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What is LipoDissolve?

It is an injection technique that has been proven to provide dramatic body contouring results. It offers an office procedure than can be an alternative to liposuction surgery in the right patient.

Who is a candidate for LipoDissolve?

The ideal patient is someone who is at a good body weight but has trouble spots that won’t go away with dieting and exercise. It is particularly effective for the neck, lovehandles, bra rolls, stomach, thighs, and knees.

Is it safe?

Our signature lipotherapy is a synthetic replica of a naturally occurring enzyme in the body, phosphatidylcholine deoxycholate (PCDC). It is a safe and effective solution which dissolves fat. (PCDC is part of what makes up soy lecithin) It has been used in various medical applications since the 1950s and for cosmetic treatments since the 1990s. More than 50,000 treatments have been done internationally under monitored conditions without any significant adverse effects. No medical complications have been found with PCDC injections.

Who should not have LipoDissolve injections?

The following medical conditions preclude treatment:

1) Pregnancy
2) Nursing
3) Liver disease
4) Hepatitis
5) Bleeding problems
6) Less than 6 weeks after any surgery

How are the injection treatments done?

Micro-injections are done in the office as an outpatient procedure. Best results are obtained by a series of 3 injection sessions spaced one month apart. This gives the fat that is dissolving adequate time to be absorbed before the next treatment.

How many injection treatments will I need?

Each person’s anatomy and fat depots are different. Dr. Eppley will determine whether LipoDissolve is appropriate for your concerns as well as customize a specific treatment program for you.

As a general rule, most body areas, including the neck require 3 injections sessions to obtain the most ideal results.

How long is downtime or recovery?

After an injection session, there is no need for bedrest or reduced activity. You can resume your normal activities immediately. The minimal disruption to your ddaily life is one reason many patients find this lipotherapy so appealing.

How much does it cost?

Treatment programs vary depending upon your body areas and how much fat you have. This will be determined at the time of your consultation. Consultations are $75 which can be applied to the cost of your treatment program if you elect to proceed.

Single treatments are $750 each.

A treatment series of three (3) injection sessions is $ 1,499, $1,999, or $2,499 dependent upon the size of the body area or number of injections required per each session.

Touch-up injections are $250 each session after a treatment series has been completed.

Dr Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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