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In the most recent July 2008 issue of Plastic Surgery News, the top five most expensive cosmetic surgical procedures for 2007 were reported. These figures are based on the national average per plastic surgeon and represent the physician’s fee only, excluding the cost of the operating room, anesthesia, and any other related expenses.

Circumferential Body Lift $ 12,500
Tummy Tuck $ 7,250
Facelift $ 8,500
Buttock Implants $ 6,500
Buttock Lift $ 4,500

These plastic surgeon’s fees vary per region across the United States and represent an averaging of different geographic regions into a single typical fee. These numbers do not necessarily reflect a typical fee here in Indianapolis and will vary somewhat between different plastic surgeons. Operating room and anesthesia charges, which are additional, can vary dramatically based on what facility the plastic surgeon uses. As an average, you can add 30 – 35% of the plastic surgeon’s fee as the additional costs of surgery to get an estimate of the total cost of the procedure.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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