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A full or fat neck is most commonly treated by liposuction, particularly if one is fairly young. The results from neck liposuction are significantly influenced by the quality of the overlying skin. Good taut or thick skin will respond by shrinking and adapting upward to a less obtuse neck-jaw angle. Loose or inelastic skin may shrink somewhat but it will be irregular with band and cords apparent to the eye. When neck skin is loose, the liposuction procedure must be combined with some type of facelifting procedure. Whether it is more of a limited or full facelift will depend on how much loose skin exists.

One often overlooked consideration in neck liposuction is that of the chin. Should the chin be brought forward or is its projection adequate where it is currently? In the spirit of what one is trying to achieve by removing fat from the neck…a more evident jaw and neck line…the chin should not be forgotten. In some cases, it can be a good complement to the look that liposuction creates.

One effect that neck liposuction does create is the illusion that the chin is a little more prominent. As the neck-jaw angle, technically known as the cervicomental angle, become less obtuse and positioned back somewhat, it can look like the chin is a little more prominent. That is easy to understand as the chin may look more forward because the neck has moved back. In some cases, changing the shape of the neck may be all that is needed to improve what one thinks is a short chin.

In other cases, neck liposuction should really be combined with a chin implant. The problem is not just too much fat in the neck but the chin is really short as well. This is a much more prevalent issue in men than it is in women. Men can aesthetically tolerate a more prominent chin anyway, women must be more careful about de-feminizing their appearance. A combined neck liposuction-chin implant procedure is a classic ‘ying-yang’ facial procedure where movements in opposite direction create a better overall effect than either one alone.

Whether a chin augmentation is an additive benefit to neck liposuction can be determined easily prior to any surgery with computer imaging. Imaging profile structures, where the skin is in contract to the background, is very accurate and predictive of what surgery can really achieve. One can have themselves imaged with neck liposuction alone, combined with a small chin implant, and then combined with a larger chin implant as well. Looking at all three changes can really help one decide what is best for themselves.

The shape and appearance of the neck is partially influenced by the forward position of the chin. In many ways, the chin is an extension of the horizontal vector of the neck. As with any neck reshaping procedure, the chin should not be forgotten in surgical consideration and planning

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana





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