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Getting a change in your nose without surgery seems impossible. But yet there are some nose imperfections that can be corrected without resorting to surgery. Some have referred to these as a Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty or a Surgery Free Nose Job. Personally I don’t like these terms as they imply one can have a major changes in their nose without surgical intervention¦which is not true. But with the right kind of small nasal problem, such changes may be possible.

While it is true that volume is being added to the nose, this will not necessarily make it bigger. In most cases, the nose may look smaller or at the least better balanced as it will fit more proportionately on the patients face. With a change in some of the angles of the nose, it may even make it appear smaller.

The good question is who is a good candidate for a non surgical rhinoplasty? For those patients looking for major reshaping or size reduction, this is not the procedure. If you need a major change then you need to undergo a more traditional surgical rhinoplasty. However, if you only need a small adjustment and want immediate results with no recovery, then this non surgical procedure could be a good choice for you. Injectable rhinoplasty is best for correcting small nasal bumps, low-sitting bridges of the nose, and certain types of middle vault or tip asymmetries.

The potential benefits to non surgical rhinoplasty is fairly obvious. Among them is the lack of complications and side effects normally associated with a surgical rhinoplasty. You won’t have to deal with nose bleeds or any long term swelling or scarring and typically you’ll be going back to work the next day or right after the procedure. Undoubtably the immediate results obtained are the most compelling reason a patient many consider this rhinoplasty option. Costs of a non surgical rhinoplasty is usually less than 10% of what a traditional rhinoplasty in the operating room would cost.

Since the injections are done just under the skin, the treatment will not interfere with your breathing. And it can be used to make some very precise and subtle adjustments. However, its biggest disadvantage is that it is not a permanent procedure so that it will fade and you’ll need to have touch-ups every year or so to keep up the result.

While almost any of the injectable filler materials will work, I prefer to use in my Indianapolis plastic surgery practice any of the hyaluronic-acid based fillers, such as Juvederm due to their smooth flow from a 30 gauge needle and their low risk of potential complications. Long lasting fillers that have particles are at a higher risk of irregularities, bumps and nodule formation in the relatively thin skin of the nose.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana


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