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The value of computer imaging in facial plastic surgery is significant. For procedures of the nose, chin, and neck, profile imaging is standard and fairly accurate. For frontal views around the forehead, eyes, nose and mouth, computer imaging is not as accurate but is, nonetheless, useful. While compter imaging was once only available in a plastic surgeon’s office, there are now online programs available that patients can try at home.

One such online program is LiftMagic. This is a free online system in which anyone can upload a picture and see the results of various cosmetic procedures performed. Once can try various cosmetic procedures on their face via individual slider bars to adjust the degree of the outcome of the procedure from subtle to very significant. The individual’s picture is then morphed to reflect the selections, with the capability to flash back and forth between the before and after images. There are 13 procedure selections from forehead and cheek lifts to nose reduction and lip augmentation. There is even one option available for weight reduction. The program even includes an option to let the software optimize the patient’s image by selecting among all procedures and to the optimal degree.

I think this software program is a great tool for prospective facial patients to interact with and have fun. It helps answer the basic curiosity question of….what if I had this done? It provides some excellent insight into the patient’s needs and concerns before coming into a consultation with a plastic surgeon. While the program is not meant to be an accurate predictor of the outcome of any particular plastic surgery procedure, and most patients seem to understand that, it helps empower the patient more in the thought process and decision-making aspects of surgery. Patient involvement in any decision process is always valuable and probably does more in managing patient expectations than anything else I know. When patients get involved and start speaking in-depth about their desires, you often find out issues that might not otherwise have been apparent. An interactive software program, such as LiftMagic, does exactly that.

Modification and adjustment of computer imaging predictions (otherwise known as reality), however, must ultimately be done in conjunction with a plastic surgeon. Computer technology makes it possible to do a lot more than what can be predicted and done by modern-day surgical manipulations and the nuances of wound healing . Transitioning from ‘Photoshop’ plastic surgery’ to ‘Reality plastic surgery’ still requires human interaction. But LiftMagic provides a great first test drive.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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