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Regardless of the budget for any wedding, every bride wants to look her best on this special day. Given that weddings are an event that often requires up to a year in the planning, how to make one look as gorgeous as possible also requires some planning beforehand.

When you start planning your wedding, think about where you are physically and where you want to be on your wedding day. Take a realistic look at your lifestyle and fitness routinue and what you can really achieve in the next six months. When thinking about some type of major plastic surgery, such as liposuction, breast augmentation or rhinoplasty, you want to do these three to six months before your wedding date. Not only do you need time to recover but you must also allow for the possibilities of possible issues which may prolong recovery or require some type of touch-up or revisional surgery.

Facial tune-ups or refreshing are extremely important since your smiling face will be seen by all and in nearly every photograph. Two easy areas to improve are brown spots and capillaries or telangectasias. The use of Broad-Band Light (BBL, also known as IPL) treatments are the most effective way to get rid of both of these facial nuisances caused by sun exposure. Most women will need at least two treatments spaced at least one month apart. Brown spots will get markedly darker right after being treated and will gradually slough off.  Those tiny blood vessels on the nose and cheeks almost always require two treatments for optimal clearing.  It is common to develop a little swelling for a few days after so don’t do this type of light therapy a couple of days before the ceremony. Think about these treatments three to four months in advance of the date.

The MicroLaser Peel™ is also ideal for smoothing out fine lines and banishing rough texture.  This erbium laser peel – sometimes called ‘The Weekend Peel’ will  require a few days of looking less than your bridal best as your skin heals and sloughs, but is unbeatable when it comes to eye-catching results. Like most  non-surgical facial treatments, you will need at least two treatments pre-wedding.   If you’re a blushing bride over 40 years of age, the combination of pulsed light treatments (BBL)  and a microlaser peel can make you look up to five years younger.

When you get within a month of the wedding day that is the time to get Botox (or Dysport) and injectable fillers. With rehearsal dinners and maybe a few family gatherings to attend,  these well known and popular office treatments provide instant facial improvements. To get rid of those vertical lines between the eyebrows (that come with frowning) or crow’s feet wrinkles around the eyes, Botox  works brilliantly and will last up to four months. Since Botox takes a week to work, you want to schedule your injections several weeks to a month before the wedding. Injectable fillers work instantly to make those lips more full and soften those deepening ‘facial parentheses’. (aka nasolabial folds) There may be some slight swelling, and occasional spot bruising, so like Botox think weeks to a month before the wedding.

One great complement to Botox and fillers, and one that can be done just a week or so before, is a facial or  microdermabrasion treatment. For brightening up your skin and giving it a little glow, these popular skin treatments are a near must. Facials include a light chemical peel and tend to cause some post-treatment inflammation, so one to two weeks ahead of time is ideal.  Microdermabrasion should be done no closer than 10 days prior to the wedding for this same reason.  After these treatments, make sure you do not change your skincare routinue. Now is not the time to try new products or regimens. Allergic reactions or sensitivity can trigger redness, swelling , watery eyes and a host of other conditions that are not conducive to glamour on your wedding day.  Stick to what works for you and what you know.

One newer facial enhancement that is tailormade for your wedding day is semi-permanent eyelash extensions.  Eyes ‘pop’ open, less makeup is needed to achieve a ‘finished’ look, and they are a huge time-saver.  Have a full set applied, or your current set filled, days to one week prior to the ceremony. Since there is no recovery or swelling, they can be the final touch to having the best face possible.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana  

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