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Facial rejuvenation surgery is a collection of procedures intended to reverse the effects of aging, the environment, and one’s personal habits. Some correctable problems include fine and deep wrinkles of the brow and face, sagging eyebrows and eyelids, jowling and loss of a smooth jaw line, and a sagging neckline. Surgical possibilities also include altering those facial features that one was born with but are out of balance with the rest of the face including noses with a hump or broad/drooping tips, a small chin, flat cheekbones, or protruding ears.


The shape of a woman’s breasts are as individual as their personalities and change over time due to childbearing, weight gain or loss, and the effects of time. As a result, the desire to improve the appearance of one’s breasts is common. Many women simply want to be bigger. Others want to be smaller. Reversing the drooping that results from pregnancy, nursing, or gravity is a common concern as well. Frequently, a combination of these problems needs to be corrected to enhance the beauty of one’s breasts.


Body contouring surgery is intended to produce a smoother, more balanced, and natural contour of its curves and shape. This is done either through fat removal alone or a combination of skin and fat removal. Areas capable of being improved are arms, abdomen, back, buttocks, flanks, knees, and thighs. Each of the procedures designed to improve these areas can produce dramatic improvements and, it is very common, to treat multiple areas at the same time to get a better overall body shape.


Laser and pulsed light treatments are an exciting treatment option for a variety of problems that can not be fixed by surgery. Lasers are capable of gently wiping away fine skin wrinkling and sun damage of the face from years in the sun. They are able to remove unwanted facial and body hair, spider veins on the legs, some birthmarks, and maybe even that tattoo that is no longer wanted. Pulsed light treatments can remove those brown spots on the face, chest, and hands and help tighten loose jowl and neck skin.


The most exciting areas of plastic surgery in the past ten years has been the development of a variety of injectable treatments that can be performed in the office setting, do not involve cutting or recovery, and create a ‘quick fix’ for many cosmetic concerns. These include controlling unwanted facial expressions and wrinkling with Botox, reducing facial lines and enlarging lips with skin plumpers, and eliminating small bulging areas of the neck, jowls, and the body with fat-dissolving solutions. Many of these injections can be combined with laser and light therapies for facial refreshing and rejuvenation, without the need for surgery!

Dr Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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