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One of the most storied bits of wisdom amongst plastic surgeons is the phrase ‘the enemy of good is perfection’. This undoubtably applies to many fields of endeavor throughout life and basically refers to the idea that striving for a perfect result can sometimes lead to the opposite effect. Trying too hard, trying to be too clever, or trying to be ‘perfect’ can often result in mishaps, mistakes and unexpected turns of events. This would seem to be the antithesis of what one is supposed to do, which is to always strive to do your absolute best. But one should never confuse effort and the tolerance of the human body. This is of greatest relevance in aesthetic plastic surgery where one is not treating a medical problem, but an aesthetic concern. While every patient wants the ideal result and the best return on their investment, no patient wants to suffer a complication. Pulling too tight, removing too much tissue, too large of an implant and  doing too many procedures in a single operation are all examples of when more often does not lead to better. And in plastic surgery, such less than better outcomes can lead to wound healing problems, infection and a cadry of aesthetic problems. Experience leads to good judgment in plastic surgery and an understanding of the phrase

‘A good result with no complications is better than a perfect result with complications’

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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