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There are many factors that go into having a satisfactory outcome from any plastic surgery procedure. But one very important element in getting good outcomes is the basic principle of ‘match the solution to the magnitude of the problem’. In essence the operation designed to treat a problem, whether  it is a cosmetic concern or reconstruction of a tissue defect, should be commensurate with the size of that problem. When a big operation is done for a small anatomic issue, the risks are that any complications that develop may create problems that may be worse than that of the original concern. When a small operation is done for a big problem, the risks are great that the result will not adequately solve the problem.  Mismatching solutions and problems is a frequent source of complications and unmet patient expectations.

‘If you have a big problem, you need a big operation. If you have a small problem, you need a small operation’

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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