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One of the great advantages of plastic surgery is the diversity of procedures that it offers for face and body changes. It can be remarkable at times how many options are available to treat one single aesthetic concern or body part. Most of the time the number of surgical options exists because the aesthetic ‘problem’ is not really just one problem, rather it is a range of problems that consist of differing anatomic deformities. Whether it be an aging face, a loose abdomen or sagging breasts for example, there is a spectrum of tissue changes that defies one single operation with the identical steps that can effectively treat all of the problems. Thus, a facelift is not just facelift, all tummy tucks are not alike and different types of breast lifts have variable reshaping effects. But there are many aesthetic concerns that are one straightforward problem that does not basically differ. The volume of a breast can only be immediately created by a synthetic implant, surgical fat extraction can only be done by a liposuction cannula, and ears can only be reshaped (otoplasty) by modifying the cartilages. Yet there are numerous choices of breast implants, liposuction machines and technologies and methods of otoplasty surgery of which all are touted as being best by different plastic surgeons. This is understandably confusing to patients and often leaves them confused in today’s internet age of easily available information. I have aways found it helpful to remember when trying to choose between different ways to do the same thing this phrase…

‘When Many Methods Exist To Treat The Same Problem, This Suggests There Is No Single Recognized Best Solution’

Dr. Barry Eppley

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