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One of the common conundrums for many patients is whether their stomach should have liposuction or a tummy tuck to get a better and more flat shape. Liposuction removes fat, seems simpler and has a more rapid recovery. A tummy tuck removes a large amount of skin and fat, is more complex to undergo and has a longer recovery. But which one does any patient need and what will work best? A simple visual test is to count the abdominal or stomach rolls between the ribs and the pubic area. If one single large roll exists, then liposuction may be adequate. If there are two or more stomach rolls, then a tummy tuck will likely be needed. The more stomach rolls you have, the more excessive skin that exists. Excess skin can only be removed by a tummy tuck. You can count the rolls or pinch them. If you can pinch more than a few inches, there is too much skin for liposuction to work well.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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