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The facelift operation is one of the most misunderstood of all cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. While often perceived as including the entire face, this is not true. The traditional facelift treats only the lower third of the face, the neck and jowls. Through incisions around the ears, loose neck and jowl skin is moved up and back to be removed around the ears where the scars can be placed in inconspicuous locations. The middle and upper part of the face is not changed by the classic definition of a facelift¦much to almost everyone’s surprise. Contemporary facelifts are done in many variations and styles which also adds to the confusion. The more limited types of facelifts today go by many different marketing names, which all use their potential benefits as their main selling points. (less invasive, quicker recovery, less scarring) They often sound very different but they all focus on more limited changes in the lower face.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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