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Eyebrows, particularly for women, play an important part of facial attractiveness. Most think of beautiful eyebrows as their shape and degree of and location of their arch. But recent studies show that eyebrow shape is not the only feature that makes them attractive. Eyebrow projection may be just as important as shape. Eyebrows that have high walls, a slight prominence below the brow bone, helps frame the eye like a frame for a picture. Higher walls allow for greater projection of the eyebrow which correlates to perceived facial attractiveness. The area between the eyelid and the brow bone, known as the oblique frame, is what helps frame the eye not necessarily the brow bone itself. Studies show that women with higher oblique frames are consistently rated as more attractive. What is the best way to have a more prominent oblique frame…fat injections. A few ccs of fat judiciously and carefully placed in the oblique frame area may do as much for eyebrow attractiveness as its shape.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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