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While the media and the internet is filled with plastic surgery ‘problems’ and apparent unfulfilled expectations, what occurs in the typical plastic surgery patient? Like most stories that are newsworthy, a normal happy patient is not very interesting or of much interest. Thus the public’s perception of plastic surgery can become a little skewed. In a new European study just released, researchers found that most plastic surgery patients report a boost in self-confidence and more fulfilled lives after their surgery. They examined at regular intervals after plastic surgery 550 patients and found that they had higher self-confidence afterwards if they had reasonable expectations before surgery. Only a little over 10% (12% to be exact) seemed to have unrealistic expectations for how their surgery would improve their life. What this demonstrates is that one should research thoroughly their plastic surgery procedure(s) of interest and make sure they understand what it can and, of equal importance, which it can not do. Like most things in life perception can become reality… if that perception has a reasonable basis. As a result, most plastic surgery patients are satisfied and do feel better about themselves afterwards which is the primary goal of the operation in the first place.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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