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Teens historically account for a very small percentage of patients who have plastic surgery. Estimates vary but most plastic surgeons report that patients under 21 years of age, particularly those 18 or younger, account for less than 5% of their practice population. The reasons for this small percentage are obvious, teens have little money to afford the procedures and have to get parental consent to undergo them. But that is changing for a variety of reasons. Certainly attitudes towards plastic surgery have changed as well as cultural and societal influences. But the main driving reason has been the rise in non-surgical cosmetic procedures, many of which did not exist just ten years ago. Treatments such as laser hair removal, light and laser therapies for acne, skin rejuvenation and mole and blemish removal have increased dramatically in the teen population. Even the standard teen surgical procedures such as rhinoplasty, otoplasty and breast reduction are becoming more commonplace.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana


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