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Light has been know to be therapeutic for the human mind and body for thousands of years. Whether it is the psychological aspect of emerging from winter for the springtime sun or the use of ultraviolet light therapy for certain skin conditions, sunlight has well established health benefits. But sunlight and its ultraviolet spectrum of rays can also have very negative effects as well such as skin cancers and wrinkles. So it is possible to have too much of a good thing. But artifically created ‘non-sunlight’ light, without the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, has been harnessed for various cosmetic improvements. These medical light therapies are based on the specific color spectrum or wavelength of light. The red light spectrum fights aging by stimulating blood circulation.This in turn stimulates new collagen growth to create healthier skin. The very well known intense pulsed light (IPL) or broad band light (BBL) uses short pulses of filtered red to green wavelengths (hence the name broad band) to remove brown and red spots. The colored spots in the skin absorb the light based on color (known as selective photothermolysis) and this light helps break up the colored skin imperfections. The blue light spectrum helps treat acne. Tha absorbed light forces the cells to release oxygen which in turns kills bacteria. This can also be added by the application of a dye (levulan) which is absorbed down into the oil glands which draws the light inward, causing the oil glands to shrink reducing future acne outbreaks.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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