One of the most distinguishing and desired features of the upper lip is that of its cupid’s bow shape. The double curve of the upper lip is called the cupid’s bow because it resembles the bow of Cupid, the Roman God of love laid on its side. At the two heights or bends of the bow, the vertical and raised philtral columns ascend into the base of the nose. There is a relationship between the size of the upper lip and the prominence of the cupid’s bow. The larger the lip the more prominent is the bow. Small lips have very flat and nearly indistinguishable bow shapes. While lip augmentation by injectable fillers can make the lip bigger, it can not make a cupid’s bow. This is one reason some lip augmentation results look unnatural. The only lip augmentation procedure that can define a cupid’s bow further is the vermilion advancement.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana