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Surgery to change the shape of the corner of the eyes can be done on both the inner and outer areas. The primary procedure that is done on the inner corner of the eye is the medial epicanthoplasty done primarily in Asian eyelids. For the outer eye corners, which is more common due to be used on a more diverse number of eye shape problems, the procedures are about adjusting the position of the outer eye corner through canthopexy and canthoplasty procedures. Getting the outer eye corner level or even more elevated than the inner corner of the eye and their objectives. Regardless of which eye corner is be treated the postoperative instructions are the same.

1.Expect some swelling and bruising at the sides of the eyes, which usually is most severe by the second postoperative day. Most of the swelling and bruising will be gone by 2 weeks after the surgery. Keeping your head elevated, on 2 to 3 pillows or sitting/sleeping in a recline for a few days after the surgery, will help limit how much swelling will occur.

2.  Keeping cold compresses on the eyes for the first 24 hours is also very helpful in keeping down swelling. This can be done with ice or gel pacs, changing them every 30 minutes or so as they become lukewarm. Continuing these cold compresses for the first night after surgery is even better.

3. For the corner of the eyelid suture lines, antibiotic ointment will be provided to you to apply twice a day. Apply enough to keep them lightly lubricated. The antibiotic ointment is an ophthalmic preparation, so it is safe if it gets in your eyes. (which it almost always does) Also, apply in eyes at bedtime for the first 2 to 3 days after surgery if they feel dry.

4. All corner of eye sutures used are dissolvable so they do not need to be removed. They will go away on their own in a few weeks.

5. You may resume the wearing of contacts 1 week after surgery.

6. You may shower and wash your face the day after surgery. There is no harm in getting the suture lines wet.

7, The use of eye makeup (eyeliner, eyeshadow) should not be used for one week after

surgery. Cover-up or concealer may be used on bruised areas beginning a few days after the surgery.

8. Exercise and strenuous physical activities should not be done for one week

after surgery. Bending over (head below one’s waist) should be avoided within the first week after surgery.

9. You may drive after surgery as long as you can see clearly and are off pain medication.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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