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There are two good reasons why patients choose silicone gel breast implants over saline…and one of those is that silicone breast implants have significantly less rippling or wrinkling than saline. This is of great aesthetic importance to those women with very little breast tissue and thin or stretched out skin where the outline of the breast implant can clearly be felt and often even seen. This is most evident in the inferior (lower) and lateral (side) poles of the breast implant where the chest muscle does not provide coverage.

The phenomenon of breast implant rippling is actually present in both saline and silicone filled implants. The exact reason wrinkling of the breast implant occurs has to do with how well the filler material coats the inside of the implant and bonds to it as well as its own viscosity. Water (or saltwater) flows easily and does not ‘stick’ well to the inside wall of the breast implant shell, resulting in implant buckling and folding. This is a normal finding with saline breast implants and its presence is not abnormal or the plastic surgeon’s fault. This is why we usually overfill the saline breast implant to generate increased pressure on the inside which lessens the amount of wrinkling that can occur. In the short-term this works but, over time, the plastic bag of the implant stretches a little and relaxes, creating some rebound wrinkling if you will. Silicone gel, a much thicker (viscous) material and with slightly more weight, coats the inside of the implant shell better and is more effective at lessening wrinkling.

The point is….silicone gel breast implants have less wrinkling, usually substantially less, but it may not always be zero. I have had several women who have small amounts of rippling in the lateral (side) pole of the breast. Usually it is only one or two small ripples, which would be less than that which would have been present had they been saline implants instead. I can’t say at this point whether this subtle rippling phenomenon in silicone implants is less evident in high profile (projection) versus medium or low profile style implants. I think it is more reflective of the lack of breast tissue between the overlying skin and the breast implant, an anatomic issue in which no type of breast implant can completely overcome.

Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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