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Smartlipo, the newest advancement in liposuction fat removal, uses laser energy to melt fat, coagulate vessels, and tighten skin. While this liposuction method is certainly invasive, it does result in less bruising and pain in many cases. Whether it is more effective at fat removal at this point is speculative, but the melting of fat is theoretically more appealing than a primary mechanical particulation method.

Fat accumulation in the neck and below the chin is a common problem that obscures a more attractive and sharper neck angle. When there is a significant amount of loose skin associated with fat, one may need to consider a surgical necklift. But if the amount of extra skin is only moderate, fat removal alone may produce a much improved neck look. Because the neck skin after liposuction must stick ‘back up’, a liposuction method that would encourage skin tightening would be favored.

Smartlipo is a very good choice for neck and chin liposuction. Because it is more ‘gentle’ than traditional liposuction, it can be done under local anesthesia fairly comfortably. The size of the area is not large so infusion with a slow drip tumescence solution can be easily done. Neck fat is generally not very fibrous so it liquefies easily with the laser’s energy. For these reasons, in my Indianapolis plastic surgery practice, I do isolated neck liposuction under local anesthesia in a small procedure room.

A small 2mm incision is made under the chin, just big enough to allow the laser probe to be passed through. Once the neck fat is adequately heated, the remaining fat and oil is then suctioned out. Oil and dead fat that remains is absorbed naturally after surgery over the next month. I use a chin strap for just a few days after surgery. Once can shower the next day. While some swelling, and perhaps a small amount of bruising, will occur after surgery, improvement is seen immediately. One should expect the neck to continue to improve over the next month or so and I don’t judge the final result until six weeks after surgery.

Smartlipo offers an advancement in liposuction results, particularly in the neck and chin areas. It can be performed under local anesthesia with little downtime. Discomfort is minimal and the postoperative appearance of the neck is enhanced by the heat of the laser melting process.  

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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