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Rib removal is the last surgical option for maximal waistline reduction. After liposuction the only remaining anatomic obstruction is the lower ribcage. The outer and downward flare of the free floating ribs does influence the width of the waistline at the horizontal level of the umbilicus. Contrary to its perception rib removal is not a myth or an urban legend but an actual procedure that is both safe and effective. The aesthetic tradeoff is the small fine line scar on the back which is needed to do the procedure.

Rib removal is really subtotal rib removal, only the outer portion of the rib is removed. There is no aesthetic benefit to removing the whole rib by disarticulating it from its vertebral facets. The rib only needs to be removed back to the outer edge of the erector spinae muscle. At this point a full-thickness bony cut is done to separate from its medial attachment.

The rib is then dissected out laterally in a circumferential suboperiosteal fashion until its cartilaginous tip is reached. At the cartilaginous end numerous muscular and fascial attachments exist. These are easily stripped off. Thus aesthetic rib removal involves only one bone cut per rib as the distal end is ‘free’. (not attached to bone but its does have soft tissue attachments.

In some cases of rib removal for maximum effectiveness, rib #10 is also removed in a subtotal manner also. Even though it is not a true free floating rib it still has a cartilaginous attachment to the anterior subcostal ribcage at the 7-8-9-10 cartilaginous unit.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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