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I had read numerous times over the years that…..Success…is as dependent on attitude as it is on ability. And while this is certainly true in business, it is equally so when it comes to plastic surgery and their outcomes as well. A positive attitude and a good feeling on the patient’s part can go a long way to good surgical outcomes. (although it can’t overcome a poorly performed operation!) I have operated on numerous patients over the years who have made statements like….’all the weird stuff happens to me’…or…’if there is going to be a problem, I will surely get it’. I quickly point out to them that this experience will be different and hope that they believe it as well. The patient must feel good about the operation they have selected, whom they have selected to do it, and that undergoing elective plastic surgery is a good thing for them at this time in their lifes. All ‘planets’ must be aligned , so to speak. While I have no scientific evidence that supports these necessities, it certainly gives me a better attitude in performing them.

‘Patient Satisfaction From Any Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedure Is Highly Influenced By Their Presurgical Attitude And Expectation Of The Outcome’

Dr. Barry Eppley

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