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Testicle implants are most commonly done historically for replacement of a lost testicle. Their  placement is uncomplicated because there is a already an open incision that was needed for the removal of the natural testicle. This is usually more than adequate given the implant sizes that are needed for replacement. (5cms of less)

But in testicular enhancement procedures implants need to be much bigger than standard sizes and will typically be from 5.5 to 7.5cms in size. In addition given that most testicular enhancement procedures are done by a side by side technique the scrotal space will be tight in accommodating both the natural testicles and the implants. This may necessitate the need to make the placement incision larger.

When it comes to passing an implant through an incision testicle implants bear some similarity to that of breast implants. The similarity is in the geometry of the implant shape (round vs oblong) as opposed to structure. (gel-filled bag vs solid implant) But both share the common goals of getting a large implant through a small incision. With that end goal borrowing from its use in breast implants the funnel device offers an opportunity for use in testicle implants as well.

Custom testicle implants can be made as a solid implant with an extra soft durometer or can be made with a small hollow inner chamber to ensure it is extra extra soft.  But when it comes to passing through a funnel device the more compressible the implant the better which allows its shape to be more easily compressed into a linear configuration to be passed through the narrow aperture of the end of the funnel device.

The funnel device in testicle implants is used as a ‘mini-funnel’ device. The existing open end does not need to be enlarged and the implant is squeezed tight down to the opening creating the appearance of a miniature funnel.

With a little pressure on the back end of the funnel the custom testicle implant is extruded through an incision no bigger than the size of the end of the funnel.

While the space inside the scrotum still needs to obtained for large custom testicle implants keeping the scrotal skin incision small is still an important manuever. The funnel device, while made for breast implants, works well for testricle implants due to their oblong shape. A hollow inner chamber aids this further while allowing for increased implant shape deformation.      

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon

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