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Augmentation of temporal hollowing has become a popular aesthetic procedure. While synthetic fillers and fat offer simplicity, they do not create a permanent treatment solution. Temporal implants fill that need and can be placed through a relatively minor surgical procedure.

Temporal Implant Design Dr Barry Eppley IndianapolisThe first generation standard temporal implants are of a soft flexible silicone material that is designed to simulate muscle tissue. It has a shape that simulates the lateral orbital rim anteriorly, the zygomatic arch inferiorly and then tapes superiorly and laterally into a tapered edge. It is longer horizontally than vertically and is designed to treat the deepest part of temporal hollowing which is at the lower half of the anterior temporal region between the eye and the temporal hairline.

Temporal Implants modifed use Dr Barry Eppley IndianapolisBut some patients have temporal hollowing that extends up higher and desire a temporal augmentation effect that is vertically longer. In these cases the standard temporal implant can be rotated 90 degrees so that it is placed with the longer horizontal part vertically and the vertical part horizontal. It is also important that the right and left temporal implants be switched when making this implant re-orientation. In other words, a right temporal implant is used on the patient’s left side that is rotated 90 degrees in orientation n the left temporal hollow.

The standard temporal implant offers some versatility in how it can be used to create its temporal augmentation effect. In the subfascial location, it offers two options for the extent of its effect based on how the implant is oriented.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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